Ancient and Modern Uses for Beeswax


Mankind eats honey but has co-opted the honeycombs, or wax, for many uses for ten thousand years all over the world (Betz). This wax and honey gathering is documented in cave paintings from the Stone Age era (Betz, Wikipedia). The following is only a partial list to give one the scope of the various uses in various areas of man’s life:

  • As a wax resist in egg decorating art, Batik decorative fabrics (first seen in Java), ceramics, and glass art. 

  • As a wax coating on ticking Fabrics (18th century).

  •  As a wax coating on papers of all kinds. Modern day waxed- paper, butcher’s paper, and paper milk cartons. 

  • For use in cosmetics and hairdressing aids in ancient Egyptian times and modern times.

  • Wax is used in pharmaceuticals. 

  • Modern uses in waxed dental floss, ChapSticks, and car wax. 

  • Used to bring luster and protect furniture and wood products. 

  • For use as a mosquito repellant. 

  • It was used as seals in official legal documents.

  • For use as a writing tablet in ancient times and for modern inks, dyes, and carbon paper.

  • For boat paints, embalming procedures, and candle making.

  • It was used to color marble and to fill in flaws and cracks in marble, stone and wood. 

  • Pitch, rosin, and wax were used in war by pouring it down walls onto enemies. 

  • It has been and continues to be used in art restoration, Artists impregnated canvas with wax historically.

  • Beeswax and Eleni Resin are used as a glue to adhere and reattach paint chips in restoration projects.

  • Also used to repair missing pieces in sculpture restorations as a glue and to form missing parts.

  • It is used to make crayons which are used as a drawing tool and a resist (Newman).

    Betz, John, producer. Taggart Siegel, director. Netflix Documentary Film. “Queen of the Sun. What are the Honey Bees Telling Us?” Collective Eye Production, Inc. 

    Newman, Thelma R. “Wax as Art Form.” New Jersey, U.S.A., Thomas Yoseloff publisher.  1966.


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